Explained Star Wars 9oz Paper Cups 8 Per Pack

Explained Star Wars 9oz Paper Cups 8 Per Pack
Explained Star Wars 9oz Paper Cups 8 Per Pack

OK, Why Should I Use Recycled, Chlorine-Free Paper?

On the post-production end of things, nearly 40% of all our waste products in the US and Canada are paper products. That’s a lot of paper to put into landfills or send up in incinerator smoke. We waste millions of pounds of recyclable paper materials every year. We don’t need to cut down acre after acre of timber to supply our paper needs. Most of our paper needs can be met through the use of recycled paper. But, we have to recycle it first. And then we have to show that there is enough of a demand for recycled paper products to warrant the manufacturers to continue to use recycled materials t

Did you know that there are companies out there that buy paper waste for recycling? They can produce recycled paper products cheaper and easier than manufacturing virgin paper stock. That means that recycled paper can be (and usually is) cheaper than paper with less than 30% post-consumer content. PCF paper is even cheaper still, as peroxide and oxygen used in the bleaching process are not as expensive for the manufacturer as the chlorine dioxide he might otherwise use. All of this adds up to savings for you, the consumer. And saving green is certainly a reason to go green, don’t you think?

We’ll skip the bit about having more trees making the world a cleaner, healthier place to live and head straight to your immediate environmental concerns. Bleached paper gives off dioxins. Dioxins pollute our soil, water and air. They cause fish to die or become deformed. They are in our food and milk supply. Dioxins cause cancer. They can cause other maladies in infants and children. They are nasty little beasties that we willingly let into our offices and homes through the use of bleached paper. Buying only Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) paper can ensure that you are not polluting your person