Star Wars 7 Inch Paper Plates 8 Per Pack Aspects

Star Wars 7 Inch Paper Plates 8 Per Pack Aspects
Star Wars 7 Inch Paper Plates 8 Per Pack Aspects

OK, Why Should I Use Recycled, Chlorine-Free Paper?

Buying and using recycled, PCF paper products is a smart choice for every one, from the business owner to the home owner. The triple benefits of using 30% post-consumer content, chlorine-free paper make it the best choice overall.

The average North American uses more than 730 pounds of paper each year. That’s as much as a tree as big around as a utility pole standing 4 stories high. Though home to only about 7% of the world’s population, North America consumes nearly 30% of the world’s wood harvest. The average office employee creates nearly 2 pounds of paper waste each and every day. That’s a lot of trees to go through! Now, we all know that it is in our best interest to reduce, reuse and recycle, but few of us realize that the easiest way to do that is by changing our paper purchasing habits.

On the post-production end of things, nearly 40% of all our waste products in the US and Canada are paper products. That’s a lot of paper to put into landfills or send up in incinerator smoke. We waste millions of pounds of recyclable paper materials every year. We don’t need to cut down acre after acre of timber to supply our paper needs. Most of our paper needs can be met through the use of recycled paper. But, we have to recycle it first. And then we have to show that there is enough of a demand for recycled paper products to warrant the manufacturers to continue to use recycled materials t

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